
Prepare for the 7th Asian American Day to begin in full swing! For such a large-scale event, we have a great need for more volunteers. Please consider joining the volunteer team for this special event, as your talent will be displayed, your enthusiasm will be recognized, and your dedication will be written into the history of the development of the Asian American community.

Job responsibilities:

1. Help with preparations for the Asian American Day: including planning, outreach, publicity, sponsorship, documentation, translation, data collection, and other meticulous work.

2. Participate in the Boston Common event on September 9th; help with setting up booths, directing traffic, moving items, maintaining order, health and safety supervision, answering questions, as well as cleaning up after the event. In addition, the Harvard Theater event on September 30th will also require several volunteers to be responsible for the checking tickets and so on.

You can choose your volunteer job based on your schedule and interest, and also if you wish to participate in one or more of these jobs. The Asian American Association of Boston will provide certificates and awards for all volunteers.

How to apply

Please fill out the form below. The Organizing Committee will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the application.

Thanks! We look forward to having you join the volunteer team for this amazing event!

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