
Becoming a 7th AA Day Sponsor

The AA Day was initialized by Asian American Association of Boston and was later joined by volunteers from many organizations and businesses. The sponsorship makes the annual events possible over all these years.

In September 2016, Asian American Day was approved by both the city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts. It will be celebrated on the second Saturday of September every year.

Becoming a sponsor of 7th AA day is an unique opportunity to bring your message and services to a community of more than 30,000 people. It also allows your business/organization to increase its profile in the Asian American community.

How to Apply

Option #1: Fill out the following form and submit.

Option #2: Download and fill out the sponsorship form.

Submit by email: info@aaaboston.org; Or mail to:
130 Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111


Please make the check payable to "AAAB" and mail to:

130 Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111

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